Reflecting on the Launch of Super + Answering Your Questions!

Hello, friends!

It’s been two months since the launch of Super, and I’ve been completely blown away by the support it has received. After years spent working on the book, it was terrifying to finally share it with the world. But all the kind words and enthusiasm made all of the effort more than worth it. Sincerely, thank you to everyone that has read and supported the book. We managed to peak at #12 in the Amazon charts in the book’s category, and that would have never been possible without all of you.

An extra thanks to everyone that took the time to write a review. Indie authors don’t have the marketing budget of a big publisher, so reviews are extremely helpful in helping new readers discover the book. If you haven’t already, feel free to leave an honest review on Amazon or Goodreads.

Now, the sappy thanks aside, let’s get to answering some of the most common questions I’ve received from you, the readers!

When’s book two coming?

I’m thrilled that some of you are already looking forward to the sequel to Super. Rest assured, I’m hard at work on James, Rocky, and Katie’s next adventure. It’s currently in the early stages of drafting, but keep on the lookout for more news soon.

Who created the cover art?

The fantastic cover art was created by Jennifer Bruce. You can see more of her work on her website, or on Instagram @jbruceart.


Minor Spoilers for Super below. If you haven’t finished it, stop reading now!

How much of the story of the Chintamani Stone is true?

I had a ton of fun researching the mythology of the Chintamani Stone while writing the book. As the myth goes, the Chintamani Stone, sometimes known as the Philosopher’s Stone, is a wish-fulfilling jewel that grants its holder great power. Nicholas Roerich was a real Russian painter and mystic who traveled through Asia, and many of his painting were inspired by his travels. The Star of the Hero is one of his actual paintings. Whether it really contains clues leading to the Chintamani Stone … well, who can say?

The Star of the Hero by Nicholas Roerich. The inspiration behind the cover art and much of the middle portion of the book.

The Star of the Hero by Nicholas Roerich. The inspiration behind the cover art and much of the middle portion of the book.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more exciting news in the coming months.

Have any questions or comments? I’d love to hear from you. Shoot me an email or contact me on Instagram, and I’ll be sure to get back to you.


We Finally got a HardCover Super!